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Wellfield Junior School

At Wellfield Junior School we care, learn and succeed together

Uniform Information

Our school colours are blue and white and our uniform consists of:

■ White shirt/blouse and school tie

■ Plain medium grey trousers (long or short optional/Medium grey skirt / pinafore dress

■ Navy v-neck sweatshirt with school badge, cardigan with school badge , navy v-neck jumper or cardigan

■ Grey/white/black socks or black/navy/grey tights

■ Black school shoes (not trainers/or boots)


Summer Uniform

In addition to the above, children may wear a plain white polo shirt (no logo) or a short sleeved white shirt/blouse with the school tie. Blue and white checked summer dresses are also permitted.


PE Kit

Children may come to school wearing their PE kit on the two days per week when they have PE/Games lessons.

■ Navy or black shorts

■ Short sleeved white t-shirt

■ Trainers (not boot type or pumps) for outdoor games

■ Bare feet for indoor games/dance/gymnastics

■ A plain navy joggers/sweatshirt may be worn over the PE kit when it is cold



For health and safety reasons, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are one pair of plain earring studs in pierced ears and a watch. Stud earrings should be removed, or recently pierced ears should be taped over with a plaster (provided by parents) for PE.

Note: staff do not put ear studs, etc. back in if the child cannot manage it.



Hairstyles should be reasonable and appropriate for being in a learning environment at school. Extreme hairstyles would include shaved patterns in the scalp, Mohicans and unnaturally coloured dyes. Such hairstyles are not acceptable at school. All children are required to have their hair tied back, if long enough.



Make-up is not acceptable under any circumstances, including nail varnish. Fake tattoos are not appropriate at school and must be removed without trace. A child coming to school with fake tattoos will be asked to remove them.


Uniform with the school logo; sweatshirts, polo shirts and PE Kit are all available from our supplier, Petit Modes. All other items can be bought from a variety of shops and supermarkets at a reasonable price. Remember to mark any clothing with names. The school cannot accept any responsibility for misplaced clothing but, if clothing is clearly marked, will make every effort to see that lost items are returned.
