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Wellfield Junior School

At Wellfield Junior School we care, learn and succeed together

Assessment Data

Pupils in Year 6 take tests in Maths, Reading, a Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test, and are assessed by their teachers in Writing.


Our school’s Year 6 SATs data includes all of our eligible Year 6 pupils, including our Small Specialist Class for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, some of whom may be working below the level of the tests, but all of whom are included in our published results.


 Maths National ReadingNational WritingNational CombinedNationalGreater
Depth Combined
ALL66%73% 73%74% 76%72% 54%61%8%8%
Non-SSC67%73% 75%74% 78%72% 56%61%8%8%
GD28%24% 31%28% 16%13%   8%8%
GD non-SSC28%24% 30%28% 17%13%   8%8%
Non-SEND80%73% 80%74% 89%72% 66%61%11%8%
Pupil Premium33%73% 67%74% 56%72% 33%61%0%8%
Pupil Premium non-SEND33%73% 67%74% 67%72% 33%61%0%8%
GD Pupil Premium0%24% 11%28% 0%13%   0%8%
GD Pupil Premium non-SEND0%24% 0%28% 0%13%   0%8%
SEND42%73% 69%74% 58%72% 32%61%0%8%
GD SEND16%24% 11%28% 5%13%   0%8%
 Maths National ReadingNational WritingNational CombinedNationalGreater
Depth Combined
ALL66%73% 73%74% 76%72% 54%61%8%8%
Non-SSC67%73% 75%74% 78%72% 56%61%8%8%
GD28%24% 31%28% 16%13%   8%8%
GD non-SSC28%24% 30%28% 17%13%   8%8%
Non-SEND80%73% 80%74% 89%72% 66%61%11%8%
Pupil Premium33%73% 67%74% 56%72% 33%61%0%8%
Pupil Premium non-SEND33%73% 67%74% 67%72% 33%61%0%8%
GD Pupil Premium0%24% 11%28% 0%13%   0%8%
GD Pupil Premium non-SEND0%24% 0%28% 0%13%   0%8%
SEND42%73% 69%74% 58%72% 32%61%0%8%
GD SEND16%24% 11%28% 5%13%   0%8%


See School performance tables: about the data for more information about how the progress measures are calculated.


Additional data can also be found about our School on the School Comparison website.
