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Wellfield Junior School

At Wellfield Junior School we care, learn and succeed together


Enquiries about admissions to Wellfield Junior School should be directed to Trafford Council either via the contact details below or via the Admissions section of the Trafford website.


Trafford Council
School Admissions
4th Floor, Waterside House
M33 7ZF


Tel: 0161 912 5007


All admissions to our Small Specialist Class are allocated as a placement on your child’s EHC plan by Trafford’s SEN Team.


Year 2 Transition from Wellfield Infant and Nursery School


If your child is in Year 2 at Wellfield Infant and Nursery School they automatically have a place at Wellfield Junior School.  To register for your place, please complete the admission form that will be sent to you in the post.  
