Year 6
Teaching Team
Teachers: Miss C Mee, Mr A. Thomas
Literacy - Rose Blanche Book
Homework Menu
Year 6 Spellings
Spelling rules and overviews
Year 6 Information
Art - Bees, Butterflies & Beetles;
Observational Drawing
In art, Year 6 looked at photographs of insects and focused on their observational drawing skills of the subject that they chose.

Year 6 Dance Festival to AOM
On the 13th January, some of our Year 6 pupils went to Ashton on Mersey High School for a dance festival with some other schools.
When there they were taught a dance by some GCSE dance pupils, and later performed the dance. Out of all of the schools attending, they won!
Science Circuits
Year 6 had been learning about electrical circuits as part of their science topics. Here are some of the circuits they created and investigated.