Meet the Governors
Chair: Dr. Catherine Regan
Vice Chair: Mrs Kate Nield
Our Governors
The governing body of Wellfield Junior School is a pro-active, committed group of people who support the school and hold the school to account by acting as a 'critical friend.' Governors take an active role in the life of the school. They attend a variety of events, including assemblies, parents' evenings and 'Learn with Me' mornings. Link Governors regularly attend school to speak to senior leaders, subject leaders and to the children.
At Wellfield Junior School, we have the following committees:
- Staffing, Standards and Safeguarding committee
- Finance and Resources committee
Both committees meet on a termly basis and report to the Full Governing Body.
Governors regularly attend training courses run by Trust GS.
Governors’ terms of office run for four years from the date of appointment and it is a voluntary role.
At Wellfield Juniors the Governing body is comprised of 12 governors:
- 7 co-opted governors
- 1 local authority governor
- 2 parent governors
- 1 headteacher
- 1 staff governor
Name | Category | Appointed By | Term of Office | Committees |
Steve Worrall | Headteacher | Governors
| From 24/04/22 | All committees |
Catherine Regan | Chair Parent | Parents | 17/10/2022 – 16/10/2026 | Curriculum, Standards and Safeguarding. Safeguarding governor |
Kate Nield | Vice Chair Co-opted | Governors | 06/03/2020 -05/03/2024 | Curriculum, Standards and Safeguarding |
Tom Cusack | Co-opted | Governors | 17/06/2023-16/06/2027 | Finance and Resources (Chair) |
Jennifer Moore | Co-opted | Governors | 26/6/23 -25/06/27 | Finance and Resources
Nina Perry-Forshaw | Co-opted | Governors | 25/9/24 -24/9/28 | Finance and Resources |
David Barker | Parent | Parents | 17/10/2022 -16/10/2026 | Finance and Resources |
Elizabeth Garvey | Co-opted | Governors | 13/5/24-12/5/28 | Curriculum, Standards and Safeguarding (Vice Chair) |
Jo Gray | Co-opted | Governors | 13/5/24-12/5/24 | Curriculum, Standards and Safeguarding (Chair) |
Charlotte Mee | Staff | Governors | 28/11/2022 – 27/11/2026 | Curriculum, Standards and Safeguarding |
Sarah Nesbitt | Associate (Deputy Head) | Governors | All committees | |
Vacancy | Co-opted | |||
Vacancy | Local authority |
Declarations of Interest 2024-25
Name | Type | Name of Business / Associated Person | Nature of Business | Nature of Interest | Date Interest Ceased |
David Barker | Co-opted | None |
Tom Cusack | Co-opted | None |
Elizabeth Garvey | Co-opted |
Jo Gray | Co-opted | One Education | Education Consultancy Service | Employee | On-going |
Jennifer Moore | Co-opted | None |
Kate Nield | Co-opted | Turing NW Maths Hub | Lead School: Ashton on Mersey | Employee | On-going |
Nina Perry-Forshaw | Co-opted | None | |||
Catherine Regan | Parent | None | |||
Sarah Nesbitt | Associate/ Deputy Head | None |
Steve Worrall | Headteacher | None |
Charlotte Mee | Staff governor | None |