Year 3
We will upload our current weekly overview so you can get an idea of what we will be doing each week. Please note, these are working documents and are often subject to change for a variety of reasons. Therefore, they are for illustrative purposes not as a binding document.
Current Draft Weekly Overview
We follow a spelling scheme from Ready Steady Spell which is carefully designed to ensure curriculum coverage and a sensible progression.
The spelling curriculum is comprised of 2 parts. First, children learn a specified set of spelling rules such as how to add the suffix -ly to different words or how to spell words with 'y' in them where it sounds like 'i', such as 'myth.'
The second part is a list of words which don't always follow a spelling rule and which are often misspelt. The spelling scheme covers both parts of the curriculum.
Here, you can find this half-term's spellings words; a copy of all the spelling rules and a list of the tricky words which your child can also practise if they are confident with that week's spellings.
Teaching Team
Miss J. Earnshaw and Mr N. Hilton