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Wellfield Junior School

At Wellfield Junior School we care, learn and succeed together

Late/Absence Procedures

Absence during term time is actively discouraged and parents are advised that holidays should be taken during the school holidays.  The Headteacher will not grant ANY leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. For further information please see our Attendance Policy. This is in accordance with the DfE Guidance Document Advice on School Attendance. 


If you know in advance that your child will be absent on a particular day, due for instance to a hospital or dental appointment, the class teacher should be informed in writing.  If your child is absent unexpectedly due to sickness, please telephone School (912 3685) between 8.45am and 9.45am on the first day of absence.   If we have not heard from you by 9.45am, we will telephone you or send a text message through Parentmail.  If the absence extends for two or more days, please send a covering note with your child on their return.


Punctuality is also very important.  Very often instructions or explanations are given to the children first thing in the morning and when these are missed a child can find it harder to cope.  We appreciate your co-operation in ensuring your child is in School on time each day.   If your child is late, please bring them in to the School and sign them in, giving the reason for lateness. Children whose attendance falls below 90% are deemed to be persistently absent and are required to be reported to the Local Authority. This equates to 19 days, or four school weeks, absent over the school year.
